

Another occurrence, another deception. More disaster

I'm not learning. There is not a day that I intend not to read other press than that of the official propaganda bulletin, inevitable by profession. There is not a day that I intend not to see the news from any of those television channels that, from the plurality, objectivity and criticism of good journalism, have us abhorred showing us the unstoppable and unequalled successes of our beloved leader.

Daniel Álvarez de Blas

Date 07/05/2020

I'm not learning. There is not a day that I intend not to read other press than that of the official propaganda bulletin, inevitable by profession. There is not a day that I intend not to see the news from any of those television channels that, from the plurality, objectivity and criticism of good journalism, have us abhorred showing us the unstoppable and unequalled successes of our beloved leader.

Well, nothing. There is no way. Although in my release I have to admit that, on this occasion, I have not looked. This time it was sent to me by a colleague, and yet a friend, encouraged, I suppose, by a healthy desire to share his nausea. Thanks Carlos.

He sends me an excerpt from the ABC newspaper from today, the 7th of May, which reads that the amazing and surprising Minister of Labour and Social Economy, the communist (sic, Wikipedia) Yolanda Díaz Pérez “requires companies not to fire until 2021 and keep temporary workers”.

They sold us and we had to buy it (they forcibly hang) the suspension of fixed-term employment contracts, in force at the time of the beginning of this interminable and alarming state in which we find ourselves, which they wrongly call a state of alarm. A suspension that would last for the time we were going to be incarcerated, I mean, confined. Sorry. A lapse.

They sold us and we had to buy it, that the remaining term of the contract would resume at the end of this exceptional state in which we have been locked up, or at the time when the employer resumed its activity in one of those phases that they have invented between tests and tests.

They sold us and we had to buy it, once the activity resumed, once the termination of the fixed-term contract had arrived, it could be terminated, without waiting for the 6-month period to expire.

This was established in the fourteenth additional provision of Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, of the 31st of March.

Well, it will be no. Now it turns out that the idea that was sold to us does not fit with the progressive intellect of our never well-considered minister, who has decided to change the rules in a clear exercise of respect for the social and democratic State of Law. Sorry. Another lapse.

She is not going astray if what she intends is to deepen the efforts of her fellow cabinet members, those privileged skulls, to destroy the little that may be left of the national business fabric by the time they allow us to pass to the third grade, seeing how well and meekly that we are behaving singing and clapping on the balconies.

Legally, it is an unacceptable outrage to prevent a fixed-term contract from being extinguished at the time the termination cause occurs (arrival of the expiration, completion of the work or service, reinstatement of the person replaced) forcing to have to wait, not already in the course of six months, but in the year 2021.

Any Spanish girl and boy, already a specialist in Labour Law thanks to the amazing interventions of Her Excellency, will be able to understand, in addition to having deceived us, once again, that this occurrence of hers is simply outrageous, even more, so in the indisputable disaster economic to which they have brought us.

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