

Extraordinary aid for household employees

The BOE of the 4th of May has published an extraordinary help for domestic workers who until now were unprotected.

Mónica Fernández

Date 06/05/2020

The BOE of the 4th of May has published an extraordinary help for domestic workers who until now were unprotected.

The aid consists of 70% of its regulatory base up to a maximum of € 950 per month equivalent to the full-time Minimum Interprofessional Salary.

If the employed person has partially reduced the working day, he will receive the proportional part.

Requirements: be registered as a household employee before the state of alarm (March 14) and that they have stopped providing their services in one or more addresses, totally or partially, as well as dismissals or withdrawal of the employer during the health crisis.

Duration: from the beginning of the suspension, total or partial, dismissal or withdrawal, and up to 30 days after the end of the validity of the declaration of the state of alarm provided that the amount of the subsidy added to the income derived from the rest of the compatible activities does not exceed the Minimum Interprofessional Salary.

Necessary documentation: on the SEPE website there is a sample application form available from the employee and a responsible statement from employers if they have had to reduce the hours or days worked and if they have lost their job. In the event of dismissal, they will also have to provide the letter of dismissal, withdrawal or withdrawal from Social Security.

Term: From the 5th of May and up to 1 month after the end of the alarm state.

Presentation: if you have an electronic ID, digital certificate or cl@ve user, it can be sent online from the General Electronic Register of the AGE or on the SEPE website itself.

If you do not have an electronic ID, the worker may download and print the application and present it at any registry assistance office, including post offices, by sending it to the following address: Home Employees Subsidy Unit-General Directorate of the State Public Employment Service- Calle Condesa de Venadito No. 9, 28027-Madrid.

Compatibilities: It will be compatible with other income that they could have on their own or someone else's, provided that they do not exceed, as a whole, the SMI (€ 950 per month in 14 payments). However, it will be incompatible with the subsidy for temporary disability (IT, sick leave) or with the collection of the Recoverable Paid Leave.

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